Core values

These are the pillars of the work I do.

Sustainable development goals (SDGs)

The SDGs are a master plan to make the world more peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable for people, and the planet, for the present, and for years to come. The 17 SDGs call for everyone's commitments and actions. I believe that we all have a role to play in achieving these ambitious goals. This includes the small and big steps we take in the work we do, in the corporations we partner with, and in the way we conduct ourselves as professionals. I think that Circular Economy is one of the means to the SDGs and not a goal itself.


By doing work pro-bono on a per-project basis, I hope to give a hand to organizations that may not have the resources to hire a permanent engineer, researcher, or writer. Doing this work on a volunteer basis will need us to find common values, which are more important than any particular financial transaction for my services.


While I prefer to have a healthy dose of skepticism about solving all our problems with new technologies and complex systems, I am a strong defender and believer in curiosity, exploration, and ingenuity as ways to find new paths forward. In my work, I hope to take innovation as a guide to building a bridge between your organization and the SDGs.